A Spring of Tantalizing Pleasures

Tomorrow is the first day of spring here in the northern hemisphere. But, I shall wait no longer, I’m starting today! Below is my method for enjoying spring year-round. I call it “The 12 Months of Spring.” Hope you enjoy it.

       The 12 Months of Spring

Spring is a flower whose colors arouse;
Spring is a friend whose aura allows.

Spring is a smile whose flutter assures.
Spring is a fragrance whose escape allures. 

Spring is a dance whose step excites;
Spring is an embrace whose touch delights.

Spring is a song whose harmony supplants;
Spring is a romance whose rapture enchants.

Spring is hope and wonderment and treasures.
I shall not wait to tolerate its pleasures!

—Paul Mark Sutherland

Happy Spring to all.

photo credit goes to Kodak

11 thoughts on “A Spring of Tantalizing Pleasures

    • Adan, thank you for your very kind words. I’m guessing that you are being quite polite, but it still feels pretty awesome to get a positive comment about a poem from someone who actually is a poet. 🙂 Also, I just downloaded your book “Everyday Gratitude Vol.3” and am looking forward to reading it. Further, I am going to post your free offer (March 20) here and on Twitter today. Thanks again, Adan. Be well.


      • that is “very” kind of ya’ll, thank you so much 😉

        i hope you enjoy the little volume. it’s just everyday stuff, but I’ve found it helps me so much just recognizing every day gratitudes, part of why i enjoy your site so much 😉


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