One More Tomorrow



The Day’s Work
Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Does any one remember that you spoke to him today?
The day is almost over, and its toiling time is through.
Is there any one to utter now a kindly word of you?
Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along,
Or a churlish sort of “howdy” and then vanish in the throng?
Were you selfish, pure and simple, as you rushed along the way,
Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
Can you say tonight in parting, with the day that’s slipping fast,
That you helped a single brother, of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said?
Does a man whose hopes were fading, now with courage look ahead?
Did you waste the day, or lose it?  Was it well or sorely spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God would say,
You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?
                                                           —Edgar Guest

 photo credit: unknown

17 thoughts on “One More Tomorrow

  1. Pingback: Be a friend | Hope of light

  2. Hey Paul. I loved this so much! Can you feel me hugging you! Lol Giving is one of the most joyful things in life we can do. I’m going to reblog. Have a great weekend. Hugs Paula. Xxx


  3. Love this. It’s a great reminder that we can change a person’s world with a simple hello, a small gesture. Too often we believe it’s the grand gestures that matter, when very often, small kindnesses, small acts of generosity create an impact far beyond the seemingly simple act.


    • Hi, Laurie. Thanks for stopping by. I think you’re right on. Random and Intentional Acts of Kindness often don’t take a lot, but can mean so much. Maybe we’re our own worse critics… Have a super weekend, Laurie. 🙂 ~Paul


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