I’m Embarrassed…

A number of our WordPress colleagues have presented or offered this blog an award. I’m not exactly sure how many, but I do feel sure that it is too many. At least for now.

I have a desire to inspire people to challenge themselves to get more out of themselves and out of life. To have more fun. To make a positive difference in the lives of others and for others. The primary reason for this is my regret for the terrible waste of years for which I am responsible that lingers in my past. If I can inspire one individual to avoid this pain in their own life, it will be worth it.

Sharing the good that others are doing is a way for me to accomplish my objective. So, I share. It’s the others who deserve the accolades. This blog hasn’t been in existence long enough to be so worthy.

I can’t express how sincerely appreciative I am for the thoughtfulness we have received. But here is my challenge, and why I’m embarrassed. I don’t handle this kind of thing very well. I haven’t followed through on the requirements, nor do I anticipate that I will. I’m just not comfortable with it. I’m so sorry to anyone I may have offended. But I’m still very, very, appreciative. Please forgive.

However, I have a solution, one that is acceptable to me, if not the award presenters. For everyone who has offered me (this blog) an award, or does in the future, I will engage in an additional IAOK – Intentional Act Of Kindness. It will be a little something extra on my part that will benefit someone in need, but in your honor.

So I guess I must now go back and count, and start planning. Thank you, everyone.

Enjoy today!
Achieve today!
Tomorrow is promised to no one!


11 thoughts on “I’m Embarrassed…

  1. I have nominated you too for one of the blog awards and its alright, its just a fun kinda thing with an intention to know other bloggers and recognise others with their excellent blogs like yours! So no worries mann! Its okay if you do not follow up, Your posts already shows you appreaciate them all and this post just confirmed all the people who nominated you! Thank you and Congrats!
    All the best, Nizam


  2. Well, I am reading this post, and know that you are embarrassed that others have nominated this blog, I am afraid that I am doing the same. Not so much as praise, but that what you are doing is such a blessing and a great inspiration to all!
    Please see my recent post for more about the reward and you can bless other blogs with the reward!


  3. Common on now, the only way to get less uncomfortable is to actually step out and try it. The blog awards are fun and i think they are meant to be that way. just a way for people to learn more about a fellow blogger. they are kind of random and all but even if you dont follow all the requirements it is still fun to acknowledge and blog about them. i rarely know enough people to tag so i just pretty much ramble. 😀


  4. this is really good, and inspires me for a lessor but similar predicament 😉 thank you –

    the idea of “an additional IAOK – Intentional Act Of Kindness” is right on!

    best wishes 😉


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