Revealing Silent Beauty

photo credit, All Rights Reserved: Bahman Farzad

20 thoughts on “Revealing Silent Beauty

  1. This is so beautiful…and timely. An elderly neighbor, new to the community, accidentally locked herself out of her condo and I happened to be running by just at that moment. I helped her contact her daughter who worked close by and she was so relieved. If we can’t be there to help others, we’re in big trouble.


    • Sahbinah, thank you for your kind words. I can feel your silent beauty. Love your attitude. And, we think alike. While running on Monday, I came across a man and woman getting ready to load a triple dresser into the back of a pick-up. I stopped and asked if I might help. The gentlemen and I put it in the truck and I was on my way. They drove behind me for awhile and kept yelling thank you’s out the window to me. People helping strangers is what humanity is all about. So, yes, I agree, If we can’t be there to help others, we’re in big trouble.

      Great weekend to you and yours, Sahbinah. 🙂 ~Paul


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