14 Less Traditional Ways To Give Love On Valentine’s Day …or Any Day

Love Cookies

Choose one …or a bunch!

  1. Deliver candy, balloons, or cards to a local disability day care facility.
  2. Give food to a local food pantry — call first to find out what their pressing needs are.
  3. Go to a busy building that doesn’t have automatic doors and be the doorman/woman for 30 minutes. Smile at everyone and wish each a good day. If anyone asks why you’re doing what you’re doing, tell them, with a big smile, because it’s Valentine’s Day.
  4. Deliver one or two dozen heart shaped cookies to an elderly couple or individual living in your neighborhood. Make sure you introduce yourself and get their names if you haven’t already. Also, make sure you leave a couple of really big smiles, and a compliment or two.
  5. Spend 30 minutes visiting someone in a nursing home facility who doesn’t receive regular visitors. Ask the staff, they’ll let you know whom to visit. Don’t go at dinner/supper time.
  6. Create or buy six Valentine cards and deliver them to a local nursing home. Write some fun, funny, or sentimental things inside. Leave them unsealed and unaddressed. Take them to the administration office or nurse station and ask if they would select six individuals and deliver them. They can add the person’s name and seal the envelope. (they’ll need to look inside envelopes from strangers — even nice strangers)
  7. Deliver one or two dozen heart shaped cookies to the staff at a local DMV or post office. (or, make four dozen and combine numbers 4 and 7)
  8. Tell someone that you love them — someone that you love very much, but you haven’t actually told them in quite some time.
  9. Volunteer at a free meal site for a couple of hours. Usually, they can always use additional help.
  10. Donate some of your valued and useful clothes to a local clothing distribution center that serves struggling individuals and families. Current season clothing is always best.
  11. Smile and say hello to every person you make eye contact with for the entire day. Hold the eye contact for at least three seconds.
  12. Help two people who appear to be struggling to accomplish a task (sweep, shovel, load a vehicle, etc., if you looking for the opportunity to help, you’ll find it).
  13. Refrain from saying ANYTHING negative about ANY individual for the entire day — including YOURSELF.
  14. Call an elderly relative or individual who has had a positive impact in your earlier life. Choose someone you haven’t talked with for some time, let them know that you were thinking of them, and are grateful for the influence they had in your life.

Note: If you partake in one or more of these love-filled gifts, they’ll be one additional love recipient …you!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all.

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