About GYA ‘Give Yourself Away’

GYA stands for “Give Yourself Away.” “GYA today.com” is for people with an interest in learning about, and/or contributing to, the choices and lifestyle associated with growing happiness, tranquility, and abundance by way of helping others.

It has long been known that the more we give, the more we get. Some people, however, still believe that this is not possible…we’re hoping to change their mind.

Here you’ll find poetry, prose, quotes, insight, and much more. We’ll also be reblogging and posting contributions from others from across the globe who are willing to share their stories, experiences, and tips.

Join us. won’t you, for a daily dose of positivity, empathy, compassion, and abundance.

311 thoughts on “About GYA ‘Give Yourself Away’

  1. Paul,
    I’m curious, how did you find my blog? It’s a bit in line with yours as far as looking for abundance and feeling gratitude, but it’s also minimally publicized and reaches very few at present. How did you stumble across it?

    Thanks for following me, and thanks for creating a site like this. I’ll be back for sure.

    Regards and good vibes,



  2. Thank you for thinking my post was awesome.
    Probably the thing I have told my 11 year old son second most often in the world is “What you give out you get back in return – and then some!” – so I love where you are coming from. The most uttered phrase of course being “I love you!”
    Have a wonderful day!


  3. Wow you have So Many comments, here’s mine
    I like the look of the site and the idea of GYA, I have some poems and stories if you would like my contribution


  4. Hello dear Paul, I have now joined the ranks of those like you who have chosen to not do awards at this time. However I have mentioned you and provided a link to this wonderful blog in my final awards post, so I wanted you to know about it. Here’s to focussing on sharing the love and light we feel abundantly within out to the world to hopefully inspire! ~Warm Hugs, Gina


    • Gina, you are so kind. Thank you for your wonderfully thoughtful wishes. You lift me up. As to awards, I IMMENSELY APPRECIATE every mention as well as EVERY thoughtful presenter. I really hope readers don’t get the wrong idea. I’m just not the type of person who deals well with awards. (rewards might be a different story though …just kidding). I turn each award into a personal challenge though. For each, I undertake an IAOK, an intentional act of kindness. So, there are people who happily benefit. I call that a win/win/win. Cheers! ~Paul

      Thank you again, Gina. I wish you and yours all the best. 🙂


      • You make me laugh out loud 😀 Rewards, I like that! This is an excellent point you make, and I too dearly hope readers who do participate in awards do not take any offence to the choice of some to not join in. In a loving blogging world I am certain there is room for all types. Let’s here it for individuality! Hooray!


  5. Thanks so very much for visiting DailyFrosting and liking my post! I’m enjoying reading yours as well…seems that we are on a similar wavelength and it’s a GOOD wavelength 🙂 Have a divine day!


  6. Thank you for visiting my blog 30rak.wordpress.com today. My 30 Random Acts of Kindness Challenge is only the beginning! It has been such a wonderful experience and I’m so thankful to have such kind family and friends. Their stories have inspired me, and now I have your blog to inspire me as well!


  7. Thank you for checking out my blog, Perpetual Gratitude: A Photographic Diary. I have enjoyed looking through this site and am very moved by the entries you have posted. I will be following you for more inspiration. 🙂


  8. Thanks, Paul, for stopping by my blog and “liking” my post “Make War No More.” If we all pull together and continue to use our collective voice, we can make a difference. We cannot – and should not – be silent.


  9. Pingback: Lift as you climb | coaching dreams

  10. Great insight guys a wonderful way to live. I partner with B1G1 which is a fantastic giving system bringing great joy to so many


  11. Great insight! I’ve always found that when I give with a good heart, I learn something about myself and others. I always get too many gifts as well. I regift when possible or pass on to someone I know will appreciate it. Thnx again!


  12. This is such an important concept, I am glad that you are using this blog to bring the point home. It’s an ancient concept that dates back over 2500 years to the writings of Patanjali and Yogic Philosophy. “Give service selflessly, without attachment.” It’s easy to say and easy to put into action…I am looking forward to having a whole community or even society of people that think on the same wavelength.

    Best of luck,


  13. What a great blog. Very inspiring and it’s really nice to know that their are people out there that want to do good and make a difference. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


  14. I think kindness is the most beautiful thing in the world and that what you’re doing is truly wonderful and inspiring! 🙂


  15. Pingback: GRATITUDE 4 the 7 X 7 Link Award! | influenceversuscontrol

    • Thank you so much for your kind words.

      I remember reading a short story quite a few years ago, at least 20, written by a gentlemen who was recollecting back to when he was a child. In his story he admired his grandfather dearly. The boy spent a lot of time with his grandfather, this is when times were much less hectic than they are now. His grandfather had a sign on his desk that simply said GYA.

      The boy repeatedly asked his grandfather what that meant, GYA. His grandfather repeatedly told him: someday when you’re older, I’ll tell you. It was a very moving story. Well, the grandfather eventually told the boy, who was now a young man, that the key to success and happiness in life was GYA, Give Yourself Away, and he kept that sign as a constant reminder.

      I have never forgotten that little story. A GYA sign has remained in my mind ever since. But for the life of me, I can’t remember any of the names, nor the magazine. I have searched extensively online for any reference to this story but have come up empty. So, I have decided to keep the author and his Grandfather’s GYA philosophy alive, for it continues to inspires me as well.

      Thank you, again. Be well. 🙂


  16. Hello Paul, thanks for stopping by and liking my blog, really appreciate it. Helping others always leaves me with a great feeling but I’m never bothered about receiving. To be of help is enough for me.


  17. Yes you are right, I strongly believe that the more you give the more you get. You cannot get anything without giving up something. Even when you get something for free, be rest assured that somebody somewhere is paying for it, nothing is absolutely free.


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