World Cancer Day


World Cancer Day on Twitter

A huge shout-out to EVERY single cancer survivor throughout the world,
in our quest to kick cancer’s butt for good! #NoMoreCancer

National Bird Day (and Trees)

Today is National Bird Day whose purpose is to emphasize the importance of the protection and survival of birds both captive and wild.

In solidarity, a re-post of one of my favorites.



graphic credit: unknown

Poetry and Trees

October is national poetry month in Great Britain. Other countries celebrate in different months. Let’s share this one throughout the world with a whimsical poem from an American poet who lost his life in France during World War I.

Join me, please, in celebrating harmony …in poets, people, and countries.



graphic credit: unknown

Which ONE Would You Give?

One Poem

One SONG can spark a moment.
One FLOWER can wake the dream.
One TREE can start a forest.
One BIRD can herald spring.
One SMILE begins a friendship.
One HANDCLASP lifts a soul.
One STAR can guide a ship at sea.
One WORD can frame the goal.
One VOTE can change a nation.
One SUNBEAM lights a room.
One CANDLE wipes out darkness.
One LAUGH will conquer gloom.
One STEP must start each journey.
One WORD must start a prayer.
One HOPE will raise our spirits.
One TOUCH can show you care.
One VOICE can speak with wisdom.
One HEART can know what is true.
One LIFE can make a difference.

                                                          —Author Unknown