50 Shades of Gratitude

Fall arrives in the Northern Hemisphere tomorrow, September 22, 2012. I love fall. But, I’m not in a hurry for it to arrive, I will happily wait one more day and enjoy today. That’s because today, September 21, is one of my favorite days. Besides being the last day of summer, it is also World Gratitude Day, which was established globally in 1965 and has been slowly gaining steam.

To commemorate World Gratitude Day, I have compiled my 50 favorite quotes on gratitude and appreciation. Since I painstakingly etched them on a parchment scroll, I thought I should share them. So, I have unfurled the scroll below for all to see. Collectively, they all lead back to the same benefits, but they each have their own subtle nuance or shade. Hence the title, 50 Shades of… oh well, you know what I mean.

This collection is not all-inclusive, of course, so if you have others that you would like to add for all to see, please do jot them down in the comments section below. Then, I and other readers will have something and someone else to be grateful for.

Enjoy World Gratitude Day and thanks for stopping by!  🙂  

89 thoughts on “50 Shades of Gratitude

  1. Pingback: 50 Shades of gratitude - mindspiel.co

  2. I love this! I just happened to stumble across this now! Just in time for World Gratitude Day this year!! :-D. I love how you chose to celebrate it by listing all those quotes. I never knew about World Gratitude Day. I have developed the habit of consciously being aware of things I have to be grateful for and I always say gratitude can be a brief fleeting feeling every now & then or a general way of life and I choose to make it my way of life.


    • Well I like your “way of life,” Kimberly! Love that attitude of gratitude attitude. Glad you like the scroll. In fact, it is going to make a repeat appearance this year. Thanks for being part of my wonderful positive posse. Have a great weekend. Be well. -Paul


  3. Pingback: The Problem with Thanksgiving (or: Every Day Should Be Thanksgiving!) | What Is Real True Love?

  4. Pingback: Love, Gratitude, and Perspective | What Is Real True Love?

  5. Pingback: What If Today We Were More Grateful? | Full Catastrophe Living and Loving

  6. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude | Misifusa's Blog

  7. Thanks so much for this! It’s awesome. Thank you, too, for visiting and liking my most recent blog post. I am truly grateful! :-). And, you are a fine writer!


  8. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude – well worth the read! | Parrots, Prose, and Peanuts

  9. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude | As I Soar

  10. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude | Wisdom Within Consultancy

  11. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude | Jeffrey W Simmons

  12. Reblogged this on Momisms – Moments in Motherhood and commented:
    This was posted yesterday, and it was so moving and such a thought provoker that I felt compelled to re-blog. My favorite quote of the bunch is:

    “#33 No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” ~ Alfred North Whitehead

    It brings to mind some other really great quotes I’ve heard throughout my life.
    “There is no ‘I’ in Team” and “Behind every great man stands an even better woman”.

    Now, I’m trying to turn this into a battle of the sexes. I’m just saying that whoever your partner is, in life or in work, you contribute to each others greatness, or you can be each others downfall. And when one falls, so go we all.

    Powerful thoughts to be sure! So, show some gratitude to the people in your life, whoever they may be, for helping you become great!. Who is that person for you?


  13. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude « MyDestiny2011

    • Thanks, John, for stopping by and for your participation. I agree, there is much valuable wisdom contained in the words of these humanitarians. We need only to heed them. All the best to you. ~Paul


  14. I did not know today was World Gratitude Day. Thank you for sharing that.

    As I was going through the quotes, I started to make note of all the ones that really spoke to me. Loved all of them and made particular note of #7. Sometimes I make the mistake of assuming people know how much they mean to me or how much their efforts mean to me and so don’t give the gift. And even if they do know, it’s still awfully nice to hear it out loud. I am going to make a special effort from now on to change that.


  15. Pingback: World Gratitude Day | Give Our Time

  16. Pingback: 50 Shades of Gratitude | elroyjones

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