Thanks Giving

I offer my gratitude and appreciation to ALL of my on-line friends from all corners of our world. Thank you!


original photo credit: unknown

Forgiveness and Gratitude Personified

Meet Katheryn Deprill, abandoned 27 years ago in a public rest room. What a remarkable young woman.


(obligatory 30-second ad precedes story)



credits: WFMZ and CNN



NOW is always the right time to be thankful for the special people in your life, including yourself.


“Time is a tenacious and unrelenting competitor. Make friends with him as soon as possible.”  —Paul Mark Sutherland 

original graphic credit: unknown

50 Shades Of Gratitude

For the first time, I shall re-blog one of my own posts. This post appeared one year ago today …but it’s always timely. Enjoy!

Fall arrives in the Northern Hemisphere tomorrow, September 22. I love fall. But, I’m not in a hurry for it to arrive, I will happily wait one more day and enjoy today. That’s because today, September 21, is one of my favorite days. Besides being the last day of summer, it is also World Gratitude Day, which was established globally in 1965 and has been slowly gaining steam.

To commemorate World Gratitude Day, I have compiled my 50 favorite quotes on gratitude and appreciation. Since I painstakingly etched them on a parchment scroll, I thought I should share them. So, I have unfurled the scroll below for all to see. Collectively, they all lead back to the same benefits, but they each have their own subtle nuance or shade. Hence the title, 50 Shades of… oh well, you know what I mean.

This collection is not all-inclusive, of course, so if you have others that you would like to add for all to see, please do jot them down in the comments section below. Then, I and other readers will have something and someone else to be grateful for.

Enjoy World Gratitude Day and thanks for stopping by!  🙂  

50 Shades of Gratitude

Fall arrives in the Northern Hemisphere tomorrow, September 22, 2012. I love fall. But, I’m not in a hurry for it to arrive, I will happily wait one more day and enjoy today. That’s because today, September 21, is one of my favorite days. Besides being the last day of summer, it is also World Gratitude Day, which was established globally in 1965 and has been slowly gaining steam.

To commemorate World Gratitude Day, I have compiled my 50 favorite quotes on gratitude and appreciation. Since I painstakingly etched them on a parchment scroll, I thought I should share them. So, I have unfurled the scroll below for all to see. Collectively, they all lead back to the same benefits, but they each have their own subtle nuance or shade. Hence the title, 50 Shades of… oh well, you know what I mean.

This collection is not all-inclusive, of course, so if you have others that you would like to add for all to see, please do jot them down in the comments section below. Then, I and other readers will have something and someone else to be grateful for.

Enjoy World Gratitude Day and thanks for stopping by!  🙂  

Magical Who?


I was born a magical kid.
I once stood out among my friends.
I once was playful.
I once could think and act fast.

I once was proud of who I was
and it showed in my smile.
I was energetic
and laughed easily and often.

Over time I believed that I needed
to fit in to be liked by others.
Over time I believed that I needed to dim my inner light to be accepted by others who have lost contact
with their own magical self.

Now what and who I have turned into? 
I am consumed by shame, guilt,
grief and sorrow.
I walk lifelessly with a bent frame.
I carry lots of baggage
keeping me from playing.

Instead of hearing my childhood laughter and enthusiasm
I hear myself saying…
“Oh no,” “I can’t,” ”I don’t wanna.”
I speak with a soft voice
so I do not offend anyone
or attract attention to myself.

Today, I resurrect my real self!
Today, I walk through the seemingly long illusion of pleasing others.

I now use my strong voice
to define my boundaries.
I now use a strong voice
to express my truth.

I now take pride
in my laughter and playfulness.
I now have dropped
the heavy baggage.

I now stand tall and bright.

Welcome to wise, curious,
playful, magical me.

   Copyright @ 2012 by Shervin Hojat 


.Also by S. Hojat: “Inner Healing”



Photot credit: DECODIR

Thank You Backwards


Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.

                                                                                —Author Unknown

Free Gratitude – Today Only …Really

One of our regular readers is Felipe Adan Lerma. He is a writer, poet, photographer, yoga guru, and fitness instructor, among other things…and all-around nice guy. He has authored many works and is making his latest available for free for anyone to download. However, YOU MUST DOWNLOAD IT TODAY, MARCH 20, 2012. I have already downloaded my copy and am looking forward to reading it. The title is “Everyday Gratitude Vol. 3.”

Head on over to Amazon here for a description and to get your free copy. Also, you can read Adan’s blog and discover his many other works here. Please spread the word about this free offer as it ends today!

Happy Spring everyone, and enjoy your free GRATITUDE book.

ps. I have heard from Andy Smallman from ‘the kindness school’ which we posted on last week. I’ll share more on that tomorrow.

Paul Mark Sutherland