Happiness: Gratitude or Money?

31 Benefits of Gratitude


And this is the short version! 

Would you like to see the full version with analysis, documentation, and evidence? It’s all detailed in Amit Amin’s post on the “Happier Human” blog, and you can access it HERE.

Enjoyand give something today!

19 thoughts on “Happiness: Gratitude or Money?

  1. Hi Paul,

    Thanks for connecting, liking and now following my blog Here You Begin! Wow!

    This lovely chart is a good reminder of the gifts we receive from feeling and being generous with others and ourselves. I love your Give Yourself Away philosophy! Awesome.

    Thanks for getting in touch!


    Elizabeth Darby
    Here You Begin.Wordpress.com


  2. Wonderful. and it is so true. Money has nothing to do with happiness. The less you have the more you make with the things you do have, it makes me inventive. … and the more you are grateful for what you have. I think people with less money are more grateful and cherish life and see more beauty in small things. ( I am sure there are exeptions) Thank you Paul!


  3. Wow, I love that and am going to share it with everyone! Woo Hoo! Today I am sharing personalized affirmations with more than 30 Happiness Hunters. I e-mail the affirmations five days a week. I am enjoying the giving! :~) Thank you again for sharing! Gratitude dance!


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